Monday, January 21, 2013

How-To { KEFIR }

Don't get scared and nervous by the idea that kefir is a fermented milk drink made by combining kefir grains with milk. We eat many foods that have been through the fermentation process (yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, and kimchi) so don't run away from the kefir! People dating all the way back to Marco Polo documented making and using kefir.

-natural protein
-live, active cultures and probiotics to improve digestion, remove toxins, boosts immunity, etc.
-the grains thrive on lactose in the milk, which allows the finished product to be 99% lactose free after the kefir eats it all up! (for those of us lactose intolerants)
-lots, lots, lots more!
above: my kefir grains

How To:
1.combine kefir grains (about 2 tablespoons) and milk (about 2 cups)
2.let stand in covered jar (give a little shake every few hours to keep kefir and milk completely combined. this is not neccessary, but helps) at room temperature until the milk thickens and sours (go ahead, smell it! haha).
3.strain the kefir milk from the grains, reserving the grains
4.add the grains to fresh milk and refrigerate kefir milk until you use it!

The kefir grains will use the lactose from the milk to "multiply and replenish" so after a while you can split your grains in half and donate them to another household and keep the cycle going and share the blessing of a healthy happy tummy and body:)

Kefir has a very distinct tangy flavor that I wasn't very sure about at first, but now I am used to it and have found great ways to use it. Here are a few suggested uses:
Fruit smoothies
Green smoothies
Fruit and granola parfaits

Research any questions you have about caring for your kefir and the best way to use it. I got a lot of my beginners information from Real Food, My Way

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